Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Conversations with Katie

Here are some of the funny/cute things Katie has said in the past month or so:

Katie: Look! A 6 is on that sign.
Mommy: Yeah, that's a Motel 6.
Katie: Maybe we can sleep there in that hotel some day.
Mommy: No, hopefully we would be able to find a better place...
Katie: Oh! Like an 8 Hotel?!?

Katie: Mommy, I want Jesus in my heart.
Mommy: Okay. All you have to do is ask him and he will live in your heart.
Katie: Okay, I'm going to say a pray and ask him to be in my heart ... after I finish my froot loops!

(Walking up to a sales clerk in a store)
Katie: Hi! I'm just looking around! Thanks!

(This week after school)
Katie: We made indians today at school for November! .... And Pirates!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

October 2011

October was a very fun and busy month. We went to the fair, the pumpkin patch, fall festivals, and played soccer. Luke turned 7 months old and worked all month on growing 2 new teeth. Katie's choir sang in church for the first time, and she ran in her first race. (Mommy also ran in a 5K since she's been working on the Couch-to-5K program.) We had fun with Halloween. Katie was a very cute Tinkerbell, and Luke was a cuddly teddy bear. Katie and Luke took some very cute school pictures this month, and Mommy and Daddy decided to make things really interesting by both being sick at the same time. What a crazy month!

Here are some October pictures for you:
The fair:

Mommy's 5K:
Pumpkin Patch:

Pumpkin Painting:

Luke tried standing up a little bit:

Teething :(


Katie's Tot Trot


Luke is 8 Months Old!

("Haha! You will never get a good picture of me now that I LOVE to move!")

Today Luke is 8 months old! I cannot believe how fast he is growing up! He will not have another check up at the doctor until 9 months, but I stood on the scale with him today and decided he is about 22 pounds.

Luke has still not figured out how to crawl on his hands and knees. But, he does NOT let that keep him in one place. A month ago, he was content to sit in his little gated play area and just play with all his toys. This month, he has decided that he should be moving around the house, following his favorite family members (Katie and Maggie) wherever they go. It is so cute to see him interact with Maggie. It's almost as if he just realized last week that there was another being in this house, and she is not like the others. So, he isn't too sure what to think of her, but he sure thinks she is funny. (I will try to upload a video of this interaction.)

Luke has almost 4 teeth, now. Just this past week his top two teeth have surfaced. His top, right tooth has actually popped through the gums, and the left one is visible but hasn't actually popped through quite yet. He has been using these new teeth to try out some new finger foods. He has practiced eating puffs and baby mum mums in the past couple of weeks.

Luke still loves to eat, but has definitely shown a preference for sweet foods. He loves all fruits, but has become more picky about the vegetables he will eat. He still likes (sometimes) carrots, peas, squash, and green beans. He really doesn't care for any other veggies we have given him.

Luke is still wearing 9-12 month clothes now (just like he was at 7 months), size 4 diapers, no shoes (his feet just seem too chubby!), and he has had his 4th hair cut. His hair grows STRAIGHT up, and it will not stay down no matter how much water or brushing is applied.

This past Sunday, we celebrated Luke as a gift from God, and had him baptized at church. We promised to love him and surround him with the opportunity to grow and strengthen in his faith as a Christian. Despite the fact that Mommy was sick and did not get to join the family at lunch, it was a wonderful day.

What a blessing our children are! We are really enjoying watching both of them grow and learn as the months fly by (even though it seems WAY too fast!)