The nurse started out by asking if Luke was walking unassisted (check!), clapping hands (check!), responding to his name (check!), speaking 5-10 words (....). I really had to think about that one. He has been saying "Mama, uh-oh, dih-dih (Katie), Dada," and I was struggling to think of another word that he says on a regular basis. At the moment I couldn't think of any more words, so I just gave him the benefit of the doubt and said, "Oh, yes. Sure he has 5 words." Since then he has been repeating words that we say more, even though he does not consistently use those words on his own. He definitely has some sounds that he uses for certain words like "Schhhhh" for shoe and some sound that we can't understand that he says every time he sees Maggie.
At his 15th month appointment, Luke weighed 26.06 pounds (89th percentile), he was 31 inches tall (11th percentile), and his head circumference was 19.25 inches (94th percentile).
He is wearing 12-18 month shirts, and he goes back and forth between 12-18 month shorts and 18-24 month shorts. Of course, the 18-24 month shorts are not as tight on his belly, but they come down to his ankles!
He loves to play with any kind of ball, zooms cars around while making zooming noises, and throws pretty much everything just for fun. He has been watching Grampa practice his golf swing, and now he puts his hands together and practices his swing whenever he's standing around or sitting in his carseat, high chair, etc.
He is very good at figuring out how things fit together and loves things to be in their correct place. He has gone from a very quiet baby to a loud, rambunctious toddler! He thinks that every animal says, "Rrrrrrr." "Luke, what does a lion say?" "Rrrroarrrrr." "Good. What does a cow say?" "Rrrroarrrrrr." "No, a cow says, 'Moo.' What does a fish say?" "Rrrrooaarrr."
He is still our happy boy. He loves to play with his big sister. He LOVES to play outside. He gets mad if I open the garage door before we get in the car, because he doesn't want to get in the car ... he just wants to go straight outside the garage door to play. He is not afraid of the water in the swimming pool. He thinks that he can live under water. He does not like to be held in the pool. He just wants to swim around on his own.
Here are some pictures of Luke at 15 months old: